Friday, May 4, 2012

Oddly Normal, Volume 2: Family Reunion

Oddly Normal, Volume 2: Family Reunion
Otis Frampton, illustrated by Sergio Quijada
Viper Comics, 2007
$11.95, Paperback
February 15th, 2012

Genre: Fantasy, School Story
Age: 10+
Description: After defeating her evil teacher, Oddly and friends are shocked when Ragna and Reggie’s father returns planning on using Oopie for his mad experiments. This sends the whole of Fignation into turmoil as old enemies resurface, a superhero team faces off against an old nemesis, and Oopie gets in big trouble.
Opinion: Oddly is a girl many can relate too—she’s weird, she has no friends, her parents ignore her. Going to Fignation she gets the same thing—all the weird creatures there are normal and she’s the odd half-human! Luckily, she makes a few friends which readers will enjoy meeting since they play on classic monster types. Readers who enjoy mysteries will like trying to figure out what connection Oddly’s new literature professor has to her mother and her parents’ disappearance. I much prefer the art of the first volume, which was done by the author, to the art of the second volume which was cartoonier and manga-inspired. Sadly, only two volumes of this comic were published and volume two ends with a huge gap of open-ended questions.  

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