Monday, May 7, 2012

My Life as a Book

My Life as a Book (My Life . . . #1)
Janet Tashjian, illustrated by Jake Tashjisn
Christy Ottoviano, 2010
$16.99, Hardcover
April 28th, 2012

Genre: Realistic, School Story
Age: 9+
Description: It’s finally summer vacation and Derek Fallon gets bad news—he has a summer reading list and because he goof off too much he’s being forced to go to camp—a learning camp! Can it get any worse? However, along the way he’ll discover a talent for art (as he turns his vocabulary words into stick figure illustrations), uncover a new friendship with the teacher’s pet, and discovers a huge family secret about a teenage girl who has been dead more than 10 years and in investigating it he forces his family to face some guilt they’ve been living with for years.
Opinion: Derek never really begins to like reading but he does grow as an obsession with an old newspaper clipping show that he was saved from drowning by his babysitter when he was two years old. However, in wanting to go back to the scene of the accident, he uncovers some major secrets that help his parents cope with this tragedy. This was an interesting book. One thought it would start out being humorous like Wimpy Kid since they are both illustrated novels but it turns out to be a really serious story.

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